The Eden Cheese fever is far from over. You see, in our lab class at CMSC 126 last Saturday... after a very short (I repeat, SHORT) discussion of the lesson, we're talking about *her* again. Hangover #1. We had time for that, even though we'll be having our first long exam in CS 22 in the afternoon -- it was the best exam ever. Who would have thought of a multiple choice type of test that contains only dashes in the choices? I mean, how are we supposed to write our answer in our blue books? Hard to imagine, right? It was like this:
1. [insert question here]
- [insert choice #1 here]
- [insert choice #2 here]
- [insert choice #3 here]
- [insert choice #4 here]
Only in CS 22 under Sir Aldrich Colin K. Co. #morefunwithsiraldrich (he did that on purpose) =))
Good thing he didn't make us stay for another n hours of lecture; I was able to catch up at AWANA. On my way to Pandacan, I dropped by Ministop and look what I found!
Just ignore my face on the first picture (you'll only get distracted) and also the safety pins hanging on my eyeglasses [others say it's cool, but I get cross-eyed because of that thing. :(]. Because my sister had been hyped up with excitement these past few days for our trip to Korea, I was infected by her excitement. If we could only see Mi Ho during our stay there, that would be... awesome! <3 Watched some episodes again that day. My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho TV series -- Hangover #2.
Last Sunday I'm thankful I was able to arrive at church before the Sunday School started. The topic was about Dating Relationships. Just sharing. :p And Ate Ivy and Kuya Peter was there! I just pray that they would be regular attendees, even after they get married. In the afternoon, I went back to church for the ICT Committee meeting. They gave me the codename Yoshimitsu. I didn't even know who/what character that is. I Googled it once I got home and... HAHAHA. Anyway. It's just a codename, after all. But, really. Hangover #3. :))
After Jodie's Coindozer... I discovered a new game in Jhai's tablet! I forgot what it's called but the thing is, you gotta rotate the scattered 3D pixels so that from your perspective, you can see a 2D image. I played it again today when I borrowed Jhai's tab. xD Hangover #4.
To relieve the stress created by our Physics 71 second long exam, I texted all of my guy batchmates registered in my phonebook that I have a crush on them. I was trollin' them all, y'know; but instead of trolling I ended up being trolled by Darcy [Waray]. He texted me using his other number, telling me to "avoid her bf" (which is Darcy). I panicked. I fell for his trap. -_-" Hangover #5.
Early morning this day our condo ran out of electricity. While my sister and I was waiting for an elevator (they're powered by the generator), all of a sudden the lights in the floor indicator went out. We decided that we're taking the stairs [we're from the 25th floor, that's fun isn't it?], and while going down we imagined: what if we're already inside the elevator when the power (from the generator) ran out? Scaryyy. And because we took the stairs... she was late for her 1st period class. :( Poor Hannah. =)) Going down the stairs from the 25th floor -- Hangover #6.
Of all my hangovers, this is the second greatest:
Remember "that person"? Let's give it a nickname... Yoshi. Since I'm Yoshimitsu. =))
-I checked the place where Yoshi usually hangs out and yeah... we met.
-This morning I went to Yoshi's first period classroom.
-In the afternoon I went to Yoshi's classroom, again. But I was careful so that Yoshi won't see me. Yoshi might think I'm a creeper... if not a stalker. =)) I hope Yoshi won't find out.
-After my last class, I went back to Yoshi's classroom; unfortunately, their class had ended and a new set of students was already occupying their classroom.
I think it really is the second greatest, isn't it? Two weeks had already passed but... Hangover #7.
Hangover #8... Today, again, I saw... xD :))
My greatest hangover is yet to be written by me (who else could have been the author of this blog, anyway?) and discovered by you, so... keep waiting for my next post and I'd be glad to know you're visiting my blog often to check and see if the next one's already here! It's hard to backtrack for everything that happened to me, and I'm thinking of writing many, short posts instead of a few long ones. Anyway, the state of my mind's still the same: messy as it had been. Randomness syndrome all over me. I would like to apologize for that. Even the parting note of this post is becoming too long, so 'til the next one, my aficionados! ;) God bless us all. :D
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