Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blue Funk

Alright. Enough of the long wait; here's my greatest hangover.

Two weeks ago, it was our department's week... as I have mentioned in my first post. But it seems that in my mind, my body, my soul, and my spirit... in short, my whole self, DPSM week was not yet finished. I've said to myself a hundred times that I'm gonna sort my files out, do my homework, finish my projects, code my exercises, encode the membership list, and accomplish everything written in my long to-do list (there's a whole lot more there) but, as always, it was easier said written than done. The only thing I've done is to finish writing my to-do list. And I still haven't added there the new responsibilities I've just accepted... so technically, I haven't finished writing it at all.

You know what? I've given my 100% for that film production. Why? Because I enjoy doing it. I enjoyed the production with my batchmates. Why am I even telling this things? I really don't know. Maybe because it's over, but I haven't moved on yet. It kinda gave me something to look forward to everyday. It's something that pushed me out of bed and said to me, "Wake up and get out of bed! You're goin' to have a great day filming with your batchmates so don't make them wait!" At the start of the semester I am so filled with energy like Tiger... Energy-packed? Yeah. That's the term. Some blockmates even called me GC. [GC stands for grade conscious, just in case you don't know.] I took down notes, reviewed three days before an exam, and did everything, enough for me to be a very responsible student. But now? I guess you could just call me a responsible student.

Right, I almost forgot. Happy Heart's Day everyone! =)) Not a very good post for today. It's just that I feel as if... one bad thing happens after another. But as they say, "Life is like a wheel... sometimes you're on the top, other times you're at the bottom." Also, "Life is like an escalator. Even if you don't move, it keeps on carrying you along." I'm not in this emo mode because I'm heart-broken, and it's Valentine's Day, no... I have my Father God  in heaven Who's love is already more than enough for me. I'm just saying that since we're still living in this temporary world, life cannot be perfect, and there are inevitable times and circumstances that can easily make us feel down. What's wrong is for us to continue to have that feels. And I believe that God will help me through this. Why, out of all the things that I frowned upon, they're nothing compared to everything that made me smile since the start of this month. And I wanna say sorry to God for easily complaining because of this not-so-good things.

Maybe I'm thinking/feeling this way because of the DPSM week, maybe not. I don't know. All I know is that all these are gonna pass, and I just have to do what I can do. :)

P.S. Hey, sorry for being in a sad mood in this post. I didn't write all the things that caused me this blue funk because that would be too depressing. I hope you weren't too much affected by what I wrote. :> (it's okay for me to over act, this is my blog, right?) Smile. :) Happy Heart's Day to you! :D Please accept my hug. >:D< I gave that to you with love, alright? ;)

P.P.S I wanna say thank you to Golden Fortune for these roses! ^_^ Happy Valentine's Day to me, and to all of you who might have read this. :>

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