(Untitled Post) ----- Draft ----- 6/19/2013
This is what my second to the last post indicated.
I have this tendency to feel something at the moment, but have a completely different feeling the next minute. I don't even remember what I am supposed to write on this post at that time; am I feeling good? Or angry, or maybe stressed? No one really knows, except God, of course.
A lot really happened on the month that just passed me by like the quick air slap you get when you enter malls. The date of my post regarding GE was actually the night of our flight to Beijing, China. We stayed there until the 2nd of June, so I didn't start it here in Manila. Upon arrival on our beloved (chos) country [but hey, it's still more fun in the Philippines!], I created my Twitter account. Yay! #partyyy
Enrollment for first semester on my third year already in UP Manila started June 4... and as usual, lines of students filled the OCS post, RH Lobby, and the Little Theatre for EPN, add slot, re-admission and other enrollment stuff. Same old enrollment, so I have nothing more to say. :))
I've postponed writing this post for about a hundred times already, and by this time I can only remember so much from that month. My junior load kind of surprised me, when I started feeling that so called hell week earlier than usual. I'm guessing it's almost a month for me. I couldn't easily get the knack of our lessons; home works, projects and notes started piling up so much faster than its regular rate. At first I really, really loved my schedule: light on the first two days of the week, a day break on Wednesdays, then a full blast from Thursday to Saturday. Now I'm hating it. No, sorry; I don't hate it. I'm just sad since I get exhausted because of my own decision.
That's all. If I still don't post this right now this might stay on the drafts until next year, and I don't like that idea. =))
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